I’m a Sydney girl, born and bred and I love playing the tourist in my own city.

I began this venture as a way to get out and about, to see more of what this city has to offer, and to get some incidental exercise in the process. In recent times, I've extended my reach to explore walks outside of Sydney in other parts of Australia and beyond. 

Join me as I explore some well worn and not so well known trails, stopping along the way to take in local features, flavours, and much more besides.

And if you’ve got suggestions for where I should go, drop me a line in the form below.

The photos on this website are all my own, unless otherwise stated. If you would like to use any of them, please get in touch.



If you have any feedback on the walks you’ve seen here or suggestions for where we should go next, please drop me a line here or get social, via the links below. I’d love to hear from you.